Jaiganesh Nagarajan - Week 2 - Fashion and its unique identity.


Everyday we are bombarded with new fashion pieces and trends. All may just seem like another style but the story behind the creation or just how people wear out their clothes makes every piece of clothing and outfit unique. Mixing and matching with the same pieces can create a whole other type of outfit with a completely different style. For instance I can wear a normal street wear outfit (examples here) and I can change out the top and it can become a cyber y2k style outfit(cyber y2k).

Usually I wear more minimalist clothing or stuff with a vintage look to it. The outfits help create the person I am and lets me create varying styles to show off my identity in a way. Each outfit speaks in its own way. While each style may die out in the future; the way they have brought people together will never be forgotten. 

(pics from google)

A lot of people also like to design their own clothes to add whatever they want to their clothing to add more uniqueness and let the clothes have a part of them on top of it. I got these new jeans recently and I wanted to add some more designs. So I took the printout of a star and cut up some cloth and stitched it in. Now the pants have a new identity from when they were first bought and give off a much different look than before.


  1. Hi Jaiganesh! Personally, I have never paid much attention to fashion and clothing, so your blog is really insightful and eye-opening to me. It’s cool how in a time of trends, you make your own unique identity in fashion, even making your own modifications to your clothes. Although I’m not familiar with fashion, I also really like minimalistic clothing. I love how you acknowledge how certain styles may not last in the future, but it doesn't matter. What matters is knowing that it won't last forever and still valuing it for what it is in the time it still exists. What seems like ordinary objects can have so much history and value. It is like a language in the sense that a few adjustments can give the outfit a whole different meaning. Using “varying styles to show off my identity” suggests that it’s not one outfit that represents your identity, but all the varieties that you frequently wear. I find this analogous to how multifaceted our identities are. Identity is not adopted but formed through experiences, relationships, and intentionality. Overall, I admire your commitment to self-expression and individuality through fashion.

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  3. Hi Jaiganesh! I think that your reflection of your identity within the clothes that you wear and the “theme” of your fashion is a really unique way of displaying who you are. I also think that it's amazing how you, and other people, make modifications to clothes as a way of "modifying its identity" to fit theirs. Do you usually make modifications to your clothes, or is this a rare exception? Also, have you considered making your own clothes from scratch? From your passion in both photography and clothes, I can tell that you are a very creative person! I never really considered how complicated fashion was, or even paid attention to it, as my fashion sense consisted of t-shirts and running pants. However, your blog was pretty eye opening to the nuances of fashion. I never considered how each type of fashion could have their own story behind it, and how big fans of fashion make their clothes "theirs'' through their own modifications. Previously, I knew about traditional clothing, and how that reflected people's culture and identity, but I had never thought about modern clothing, and how that reflects modern people's culture and identity. Your blog is very straight-forward and to the point, which allows the reader to stay engaged. However, I wish I could hear more about your commentary and opinions on fashion and identity.


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