Jaiganesh Nagarajan - Week 1 - The way a picture can speak its own language

 Ever since I got into photography, I have been studying pictures to help learn about editing and just taking photos in general. One thing that I noticed is how pictures are a type of language in itself and each photo is unique with its own identity. The type of photography only slightly makes a picture different from others. Every picture has its own backstory and way of telling it. The story a picture can tell is its way of speaking, basically its own language, as seen in these two pictures I took.


Both pictures here have their own backstories on why or how I took them. The patience it took for the one on the left. I had to wait for the fish at the perfect moment. I was just sitting there for around 15 minutes just waiting for my fish to see the singular piece of food I put out and it worked out in my favor. The bigger picture may just seem like a lot of fish that are trying to eat the food I put out, but the more you pay attention to it the more you can see how some of the other fish are just swimming by. You can also see the various ways the fish are getting food. The subject stacked on top of the other fish just to grab the piece of food I dropped. This gives it its own identity and uniqueness from other fish photos that I have taken or just pictures that you can find online ( such as ones from here) . 

When you look at the other picture ( the stained glass flower mural), You can see the wear and tear on the large flower. This shows the longevity of the piece and how it has been there since I moved into the house. The streak of lighting adds to the picture by giving it an aesthetic feel. The light pattern here can never be properly replicated again, or at most it can come close to that, and the picture will remain showing off the soothing emotions.

In the end, the way the picture speaks is like its own language. While some people may see it one way, others see it another. Everything has its own unique identity as a whole but the more one looks at it, the more they can piece together the finer details and understand the picture for what they believe it is.



  1. Hi Jaiganesh! It never occurred to me how much patience it must take to get the perfect snapshot of wildlife, or how hard it must be to come up with ideas for an aesthetic angle of an everyday object. I appreciate how your blog post made me rethink many of the photos I see (like the prints I have in my house), because many of them had meanings that I never thought about before. The metaphor you made about each photo having its own language added to my understanding of those photos, since it really clicked that every photo has its own methods of communicating due to each one having a different subject and composition.

  2. Hey Jaiganesh! I think it's really cool how you connected photographs to having individual identities. Pictures can truly be thought of as languages because there are so many different ways to convey different ideas. I admire how dedicated you are to your craft, which is shown through your images and your interpretations. We can all receive different messages from the same image, but the one who produced it will always have a special story or insight that most people wouldn't be able to guess.

  3. Hi Jaiganesh! I was really intrigued by your take on the theme of "Language and Identity." While most of us approached the topic from a personal standpoint, your perspective on exploring rather the identity inherent in a picture was refreshingly unique. I was particularly drawn to the image on the left featuring the fish, and how you captured the striking contrast between the vibrant red of the fish and the deep, dark backdrop of the lake water. Your further explanation of the interactions this image represented also added more depth. I think this really showed your ability to not only capturing the visual aesthetics but also the intricate moments and stories within each frame, which is really special. Overall, your conclusion about how pictures have their own unique identity and language was spot on. The way that photography, along with other art forms, allows for different interpretations and perspectives, and presents a medium through which emotions and stories can be conveyed without words is really beautiful!


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