Dharshini Karthikeyan- Week 1- Identity and Learning Languages


                                              Identity and Learning Languages

I consider language and identity to be interwined with each other because language is a large part of my identity. Being bilingual is a large part of my identity because it helps me experience two cultures at once. When I visit India, being able to speak Tamil helps me learn more about my friends and family, and it is much easier to learn more about my culture when I am able to speak my language fluently. Growing up being exposed to two cultures was an interesting experience, because I got to compare the similarities and differences between different cultures. While India is a diverse country and has more than twenty two languages, being able to speak one of these languages has made it easier for me to experience Indian culture and learn more about how it affects my own identity. For example, I am able to experience both the American and Indian film industry, I can listen to music in multiple languages, and I can communicate with more people. Below is a picture that shows some of the languages that can be found in India.


                                              Sourced from https://www.ccjk.com/how-many-languages-are-spoken-in-india/

 Knowing multiple languages has brought more diversity and experiences into my life and is a large part of my identity. Learning new languages has also helped me learn that learning a country’s language is one of the best ways to learn more about their culture. When I started to learn French, I was familiar with French culture but I did not know enough to consider myself a member of French culture. After learning French for more than four years, I have noticed that my knowledge on French culture has improved significantly because of the conversations I am able to have with French speaking people and because I am able to read French poetry and literature that is considered a large part of French culture. The more languages I learn, the more I am able to learn about different cultures that become a part of my identity. Communication is a powerful skill that helps me experience new cultures and shape my identity. 

for a list of languages spoken in India: https://www.berlitz.com/blog/indian-languages-spoken-list


  1. Hey Dharshini, I can relate to you considering language and identity to be intertwined with each other because you cannot really learn a culture unless you know how to speak the language, to immerse yourself in the culture and speak with people from there. It's really cool that you can listen to music in multiple languages. Also, I did not know that there were so many languages found in India. You said that you have learned French for 4 years; did you start learning French in middle school? Have you ever visited France or Europe?

  2. Hi Dharshini! It is really interesting to see how your proficiency in different languages has enriched your life and enabled you to connect more closely with other cultures. I agree that language is a powerful tool. Not only does it have a large impact of people's sense of identity, but it also has practical benefits. Being able to speak in multiple languages could sometimes give people an edge in applications and work. I also like how you pointed out that language can bridge people to new experiences. It truly is capable of expanding people's worldviews.

  3. Hi Dharshini, your blog is very well articulated and I wholeheartedly agree that speaking a certain language can help understand the culture so much better. Although I cannot speak my mother tongue which is Malayalam in complete sentences, I can understand it, which makes conversations, movies, shows, and songs in the language much more enjoyable. At the same time though, I believe that one does not need to completely know a language in order to understand a culture. For example, I do not speak Hindi but still deeply enjoy watching Bollywood movies by reading subtitles and listening or dancing to Bollywood songs. However, I do think that knowing Hindi would make me connect to the movies and songs on a deeper level as you indicated in your article.


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